1C:Vehicle management

Short description

1C:Vehicle Management is the automation of management at motor transport enterprises of various scales that use vehicles for their own needs, with advanced capabilities: satellite monitoring, mapping services and much more.

The industry solution based on the modern technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3" is designed to automate the management and operational accounting of the fleet in: motor transport enterprises, transport divisions of trading and manufacturing companies, other companies operating vehicles for their own needs.

The software product "1C: Motor Transport Management Prof" provides the following features:

· Order management;

· Flight performance monitoring;

· Work with involved carriers;

· Settlements with counterparties;

· Accounting of income and expenses;

· Budgeting;

· Fleet management;

· Accounting of waybills;

· Accounting of fuels and lubricants and technical liquids;

· Accounting of repairs and aggregates;

· Accounting for accidents and fines;

· Inventory accounting of spare parts and consumables;

· Accounting of drivers' work;

· Accounting of passenger traffic.

For more information, you can get acquainted with the information on this software product by clicking on the link https://solutions.1c.ru/catalog/autotransport-prof/features

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1C:Vehicle management