1C:Inventory and property management

Short description

The solution is designed to automate the processes of inventory and management of property objects using modern means of automatic identification (RFID and barcoding) at enterprises of various industries.

The main functionality of the software product:

· Maintaining the register of property in sections: legal, organizational, territorial affiliation; statuses of property objects; documents related to property; financial information, history of transactions with property, etc.;

· Classification of property objects, standardization of the attribute composition of each class of property, standardization of names, control of filling;

· Registration of transactions with property (acceptance, commissioning, delivery from the warehouse, return to the warehouse, repair, write-off, etc.);

· Registration of property needs and procurement planning;

· Carrying out inventories;

· Conducting diagnostic examinations;

· Analytical reporting;

· Integration with 1C software products.

For more information, you can get acquainted with the information on this software product by clicking on the link https://solutions.1c.ru/catalog/asm

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1C:Inventory and property management