1C:ERP Enterprise management

Short description

"1C:ERP Enterprise Management" ("1C:ERP") is an innovative and effective solution from 1C to create a comprehensive information management system for any enterprise. This product allows you to automate the main business processes, monitor the key performance indicators of the enterprise, organize the interaction of services and departments, coordinate the activities of production units, evaluate the effectiveness of the enterprise, individual departments and personnel.

Since 2014, over 7000 enterprises have become clients of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management:

• To optimize the production process, drawing up a reliable schedule of activities, taking into account the loading of equipment and the provision of resources;

• In the transition from obsolete disparate management systems – to organize effective work in a single information space;

• For easy and convenient tracking of key performance indicators of the enterprise at all levels of management;

• For the coordinated work of the company's services in the construction and execution of sales, production and procurement plans;

• To implement an effective cash management system, to develop optimal ways to achieve the company's financial goals;

• To improve the efficiency of commercial and logistics services, improve the quality of customer service, improve the accuracy and efficiency of obtaining information;

• To obtain reliable data on the company's activities, cost and revenue in the context of the required analytics.

For more information, you can get acquainted with the information on this software product by clicking on the links https://v8.1c.ru/erp .

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1C:ERP Enterprise management