Vitchenko Svetlana Mikhailovna

Role in the project:

Functional Architect/Project Manager/Lead Consultant

Probability and possibility of replacement:



2011 – 2016. Higher education (Bachelor's degree). Correspondence form of education. MIRAS University, T. Yazgan International Institute of Economics and Business. Faculty of Economics and Management. Specialty: "Economics and Planning".

Advanced training courses:

1 "1C: MRO. Step by step." 2 "Accounting and tax accounting. Features" in the "Accountant's House". 3 Production accounting in the program "1C: Production Enterprise Management"". 4 "The concept of an application solution "1C: ERP. Enterprise Management 2 for Kazakhstan"". 5 Project documentation management during the implementation of 1C. 6 Business analysis and consulting in 1C implementation projects. 7 "Advanced Excel course" in "New tech" LLP.

Work experience:

Economist. Sales manager. Head of food production. Chief accountant.

Practical knowledge and skills to implement products:

1C: SCP for Kazakhstan, 1C: ERP for Kazakhstan, 1C: Management of a Trading Enterprise for Kazakhstan, 1C: Management of a metallurgical plant, 1C: Accounting for Kazakhstan (version 7.7 and 8), 1C: Trade Management for Kazakhstan, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management for Kazakhstan, 1C: Consolidation PROF, 1C: Holding management, 1C: CRM PROF/CORP, 1C: Document management (PROF/CORP), 1C:MDM. Management of NSI, 1C: ITIL. Information Technology Management (PROF/CORP), 1C: MRO. Equipment repair and Maintenance Management (CORP), 1C: Vehicle Management, 1C: Project Office Management and others.

Projects in companies of various industries:

1 Sapsan Technology LLP (IT) - 1C: UPP, 1C: Project Office Management, 1C: Document management, 1C: ITIL

2 Lev Integration LLP (IT) - 1C: UPP, 1C: Project Office Management, 1C: Document management, 1C: ITIL

3 JSC "Kedentransservice" (logistics) - 1C: UPP, 1C: MRO, 1C: Consolidation

4 Becker & K LLP, German Yard LLP (production and trade) - 1C: UPP

5 "IZ Plast" LLP (production) - 1C: UPP

6 Almaty Electromechanical Plant LLP, Kaztransformator LLP within the framework of the Alageum Group (production holding) - 1C: UPP, 1C: Consolidation

7 Taraz Metallurgical Combine LLP, Taraz Electrolysis Plant LLP, Arman-100 LLP in SAT&Co JSC (production holding) - 1C: UPP, 1C: Consolidation

8 LLP "Water resources Marketing" (water supply) - 1C: UPP

9 JSC "SevKazEnergo" (including LLP "North Kazakhstan Electric Grid Distribution Company", "Petropavlovsk Thermal Networks", "Sevkazenergosbyt") within the group of JSC "CAEC" (Fuel and energy complex)- 1C: SCP, a self-written billing solution

10 Petroleum operating LLP (oil trading)- 1C: UPP

11 Astor LLP (trade) - 1C: UTP, 1C: Retail

12 Karina Trading LLP (production) - 1C: ZUP

13 Shymkent Temir LLP (metallurgical production) - 1C: UPP, 1C: MRO, 1C:UMK

14 Industrial Construction Group LLP (construction, production) - 1C: UPP (construction module), 1C: Vehicle management, 1C: Equipment repair and maintenance management

15 "PetroRetail" LLP (trade in petroleum products)- 1C:ERP (only the "budgeting" module)

16 GKP "Almaty Su" (water supply services) - 1C: ERP

17 JSC "NMMC" (production) - 1C: ERP. Management of the holding

18 British American Tobacco LLP (production) - 1C: ZUP

Additional information:

Successfully paints methods of calculating the cost of any complexity on any types of enterprises, specializes in modules of production accounting, salaries, personnel, tax accounting, accounting of fixed assets, intangible assets, etc. An experienced user of the client bank, taxpayer portal, SONO, ESF. Has knowledge of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of accounting, tax and personnel accounting. Extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of ISO 9001, GMP, ITIL, PMBOK and other standards. Knowledge of TBR, TKB, PMI and other project management techniques.

Vitchenko Svetlana Mikhailovna